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Responsive Design

Fully Responsive application using popular frameworks like Twitter BootStrap and Foundation. Optimized Media Quaries so that animations work according to type of device and website works flawlessly

Reactive Programming

Reactive Programming is important part of modern Web Development. Loading, Hiding, Showing data in async manner and deviding appliation in small components is way of developing modern web application.

Full Stack Development

Using various modern frameworks and languges like Nodejs, SpringBoot, Flask for server side programming and creating REST APIs and than connecting it with front end application which is created using technologies like Reactjs, Angular, PolymerJs.


Progressive Web application deliver native app like experiance in mobile devices with offline support. Single Page Web Apllications consist of a single page where data change dynamically within the same page when the user interacts with it.

Creative Design

The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests. While designing website we keep in mind the user base for which we are creating it. Design depands on multiple aspects like color scheme, animations, content placement and photos.

User Friendly

A fundamental reality of application development is that the user interface is the system to the users. What users want is for developers to build applications that meet their needs and that are easy to use I believe the most important thing you can possibly do is ensure your user interface works consistently. Choosing right color for content and design is important for user accessibility.

Fully Customizable

Using Modular Component based approach while developing website and using REST APIs to connect front end whith server make website open for future changes and easy to customize. As each part of website is independent and singular entity it is easy to make changes.

Retina Ready

Not using images to create css components like buttons, drop shadows and gradients. Use of high resolution of images. Using svg and font icons make wbsite retina ready.As more of us browse the web on Retina ready screens, those websites that look crystal clear will stand out and will provide the best user experience.